Department of Anaesthesiology

The anaesthesiology department in a hospital plays a critical role in ensuring patient comfort and safety during surgical procedures and managing acute or chronic pain conditions.
In an obstetrics hospital, the anaesthesiology department specializes in providing pain relief options for labor and delivery, including epidurals and other regional anaesthesia techniques. They also manage pain-related issues during pregnancy and postpartum care.
The department comprises well-qualified Anaesthesiology and Critical care consultants assisted by a team of experienced Anaesthesia technicians. We provide efficient preoperative assessment, risk stratification and optimisation of patients before surgery. Our operation theatre is well equipped with State-of-The-Art modern facilities, perfect infection control and quality control strategies. We follow internationally accepted protocols for administering safe Anaesthesia. We are well equipped with all the latest medical equipment to manage high risk and difficult cases.
For post-operative care, we have a well-equipped recovery area and a surgical ICU with a well-trained and dedicated nursing team. We provide extended services to the Emergency room for life-saving interventions. In the Labour suite, we provide pain relief assistance as labour epidural analgesia. We extend our services in all medical and paramedical departments in emergency life-saving situations including difficult IV calculations. In short, the Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care provides the backbone support to the hospital.